Function Sequence Error
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Databases/Function Sequence Error.xml

The "Function sequence error" may occur when you execute a SQL statement in the wrong context, such as when a SQL result set has not been completely read by the client.

SQL::DatabaseSnapshot Load Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/SQL/DatabaseSnapshot/Load Method.xml
Load definitions and data from an open database connection.
On SQL execute error
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Data/List Properties/listprops/Detail View/Table Properties/Server-side Events/onSQLExecuteError.xml
Fires when the database returns an error when executing a SQL statement. The typical use case for this event is to clean up the error message that the database returned and present the user with a friendlier message.
Creating AlphaDAO Connection Strings
/documentation/pages/GettingStarted/GettingStartedTutorials/Basic Tutorials/Create a Connection String.xml
Alpha Anywhere Data Access Objects (AlphaDAO) let your web or mobile application communicate with a SQL Database. Learn how to create an AlphaDAO connection string to an Access, MySQL, or SQL Server database using the Northwind database that ships with Alpha Anywhere.
User-defined Error Codes
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Debugging/User-defined Error Codes.xml
Alpha Anywhere has had a CallResult object since A5 Version 8. As of Version 11, we have reserved the error code range from 20000 to 24999 for User-defined Error Codes. You may define your own error codes by editing Alpha5.errors. We recommend keeping a backup of your additions so that you can easily merge them into any future versions of Alpha5.errors that we release.
Extension::Curl Error Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/Extension/Curl/Error Method.xml
Return curl error message.
Field Rule Error Messages
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Reference/Design/Data/FieldRules/Field Rule Error Messages.xml
The following two messages may appear if a field rule references a variable that does not exist.
Email Error 535
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Reference/Design/Email/Email Error 535.xml
Alpha Anywhere may return an error message similar to this: "Could not connect to SMTP server: your.mail.server 535 Error: authentication Failed" This message always means that your User name or Password settings in the Sending tab of the Email Settings dialog are incorrect. Check your settings in one of your other email client programs or contact your ISP for assistance.
Validation and Error Reporting
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Properties/Validation and Error Reporting/index.xml
Properties for implementing and styling the validation and error reporting in an application.
Save and Load Searches Properties
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/The Search Part/Search Properties/SaveandLoadSearches.xml
Add the ability to save and load search criteria in the Grid Component by enabling Saved Searches.